My lil Buddy, Henry Cole. Many people probably will never believe me but I had a vision when I was pregnant with this lil dude, some of you may not have known that Weston and I did not find out what we were having when we got pregnant with our 3rd baby (henry cole). We had no idea if he would be a girl or a boy. I kept getting scared and more frightened everyday thinking I was going to have a boy, I had 2 precious girls who are 2 of the most well behaved children on the planet,( thank the lord!!) A boy was such a foreign/scary concept for me. One day I was driving and I literally saw this little boy, that smiled with his eyes, was always laughing and jumping and had crazy blond hair and blue smiley eyes, I knew in that moment that I was going to be blessed, I was having a boy, and he was going to bring me something I never knew I was missing, a little bit of heaven that brings snakes and snails and puppy dog tails! Henry has brought me so much joy the past 3 1/2 years, and when I was editing these pictures I saw the little boy that was in my vision that day,the happy go-lucky dude that smiles with his eyes!! 

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